The summer swimming season is coming to a close, and it’s time to start getting your pool ready for the cold winter months. Properly winterizing your pool will save time and money when you are ready to start swimming again in the spring. Since you live in a climate where the temperature rarely dips below freezing in the winter, you can continue circulating the pool water using your pump and filter. When you cover your pool, you can reduce the amount of time your pump runs and the amount of chemicals that you need to add to the pool.
A good time to begin the winterizing process is in the fall, just as the colors change, but before the leaves have a chance to fall into your pool. A chemical treatment to your pool is essential. A combination of proper water balance, an oxidizing agent, a stain preventer, and a concentrated non-metallic algaecide will ensure that your pool stays clean over the winter and is ready for use in the spring when the warmer weather arrives. Many manufacturers supply ready-made, winterizing kits that contain the chemicals mentioned above. Each manufacturer has different directions so make sure you follow the exact directions on your winterizing kit. Essentially, these chemicals will put extremely high levels of chlorine, alkaline, and algaecide in the water to prepare for the winter months ahead. Some of these chemicals mandate that the pool filter be turned on while the chemicals are added. Make certain you follow this direction.
Make sure the water is in balance:
Brush and vacuum the pool thoroughly to remove all dirt, leaves, and debris. Make sure the skimmer baskets, pump basket, and filter are clean. Backwash or clean filter if needed.
a. 1 qt. Sequa-Solb. 4 lbs. Shoxidizerc. 1 qt. Algimycin 600per 20,000 gallons
Once the chemicals have been added, you can go ahead and cover the pool. Make sure that the cover is at least 5’ longer and 5’ wider than the longest and widest points of the pool. Before stretching the cover across the pool, you should install a floatation device in the center of the pool. This device can be a large inflatable winter pillow designed for this very purpose. The float serves two functions. First, it balances the rainwater and ice sure to form on your pool’s cover over the winter. Secondly, The area around the float will not freeze over the winter and will allow the ice to push inward toward the float, rather than outward towards the pool wall. This will ease the tension on the pool walls and tile.
Make sure your freeze protector is operating properly to keep the water circulating during potential freezes. Having a Freeze Protector installed will be beneficial for the well-being of your pool, pool equipment, plumbing, valves as well as provide peace of mind during the winter months, even in Texas.
Now that your pool is covered for winter, some maintenance may be necessary to extend the life of your cover and ensure a clean, clear opening in the spring.
Have questions? Give us a call at 1 Stop. We’re happy to help. (972) 527-7665